Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Using Process Developer
  3. Part 2: Creating and Modifying Processes
  4. Part 3: Functions, Events, Errors, and Correlation
  5. Part 4: Testing and Deployment
  6. Part 5: Process Central and Process Server (On-Premises)

Process Developer

Process Developer

Layout Preferences

Layout Preferences

Set the default values for laying out graphical elements on the Process Editor canvas.
Window > Preferences > Process Developer > Layout
to view these preferences.
The Layout preferences page allows you to do the following:
  • Select an editing style defining default visual process properties.
  • Define defaults for Auto Layout mode.
  • Define defaults for Expand/Collapse Containers layout.
Editing Style and Stylesheets
This panel specifies the default visual properties for new BPEL processes. The default editing style is BPMN for modeling BPEL processes in the Business Process Model and Notation language. BPEL processes visually resemble BPMN diagrams.
for legacy Process Developer visual representations of activities. See What is Process Developer Classic Style?
If you select BPMN for the editing style, you can also set
. In this panel, you can set whether you want to use the standard BPMN notation or the BPEL-centric version of BPMN. That is, the icons are mostly standard BPMN, consistent with the palette in older Process Developer versions.
Under Stylesheets, you can select
for a stylesheet and edit the stylesheet file in a text editor to change a default value. The change applies to all processes. For example, you can set a border for the receive activity icon. In any BPEL process, you can remove the border for an individual receive activity, if desired. Note that the Classic stylesheet contains some properties that apply to only one version of BPEL, either WS-BPEL 2.0 or BPEL4WS 1.1. The BPMN stylesheet applies only to WS-BPEL 2.0.
For a description of visual properties, see Setting Visual Properties and Using Your Own Library of Images.
Auto Layout
The main Process Developer toolbar contains an
Auto Layout
button that organizes graphical elements on the process canvas into a grid that best fits the display area.
In this panel, set the default values for laying out the graphical elements (for example, activities and containers).
The Auto Layout Methods are available from the
Auto Layout
toolbar button. For details, see Process Developer Menus and Toolbars.
Make additional Auto Layout preferences as follows:
Orientation: Horizontal or vertical
Select the primary axis for your process diagrams.
Size of margins for containers
Set the size, in pixels, for interior margins for scopes, sequences, and other containers.
Spacing between levels and nodes
Set the size, in pixels, for vertical (level) and horizontal (node) spacing between activities.
Expand/Collapse Containers
In this panel, set the default values for object movement and link style of the container activities: Sequence, If, While, Pick, Flow, Scope, For Each and Repeat Until. For details, see Showing and Hiding Activities.
Auto Move
When a container is collapsed, objects fill in the empty space. When a container is expanded, objects move out of the way.
Auto Move Expand
When a container is expanded, objects move out of the way
Auto Layout
After a container is collapsed or expanded, objects are laid out along an invisible grid
No Move
No objects move when a container is collapsed or expanded
Collapsed Link Style
Sets the solid, dashed or dotted style for links to and from activities within a collapsed container. A style that differs from other link styles provides a visual cue for a hidden activity or container.
Activity Context Menu
By default, all relevant Eclipse context items are displayed in the right-mouse button menu of an activity on the Process Editor canvas.
To hide these items, uncheck
Show Non-Process Developer Context Menu Items.
You can hide:
  • Compare with
  • Debug as
  • Profile as
  • Replace with
  • Run as
  • Team
  • Validate
  • Wikitext
Process Editor Tabs
You can hide the Fault Handlers, Event Handlers, and Source tabs of the Process Editor. Hide these items by removing the check mark from
Show tabs other than Process Activities


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