Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Using Process Developer
  3. Part 2: Creating and Modifying Processes
  4. Part 3: Functions, Events, Errors, and Correlation
  5. Part 4: Testing and Deployment
  6. Part 5: Process Central and Process Server (On-Premises)

Process Developer

Process Developer



Select this policy assertion as described in
Adding Policy Assertions
This policy describes when and how many times to retry an invoked service that does not reply.
During process execution, an invoked service can not reply, and, assuming that the service responds with a fault, you can specify how you want to handle the faulting execution.
You can specify the relatively simple policy that the server automatically retries the invocation a certain number of times.
Alternately, you can create a BPEL process to handle retries. For details, see
Retry-Policy Service
Add the retry attributes as follows:
Assertion parameter
Amount of time in seconds to wait between retries
None. You must add a value. Ignored if a service name is specified.
Number of times to retry the service
None. You must add a value. Ignored if a service name is specified.
Name of a service implemented by the process. The service is a BPEL process based on a required WSDL operation.
If you specify a service, the attempts and interval values are ignored.
Faults to include for retries
All faults are retried
Faults to exclude for retries
On Failure
The state for an invoke activity when the retries are exhausted: Faulted (the default) or Suspended.
XML Syntax
<abp:retryPolicy attempts="xsd:int"? interval="xsd:int"? service="NCName"? faultList="QNameList"? faultExclusionList="QNameList"? onFailure="fault"/>
Example 1: Policy with a service and fault list:
<wsa:EndpointReference xmlns:s=""> <wsa:ServiceName PortName="retrytesterServicePort"> s:retryTesterService</wsa:ServiceName> <wsp:Policy xmlns:wsp="" xmlns:abp=" /2005/12/policy"> <abp:retry service="retryCheckerService"> faultList="{}* { /extensions/}* { /retrytests}*"/> </wsp:Policy> </wsa:EndpointReference>
Example 2: Policy with attempts and fault exclusion list:
<wsa:EndpointReference xmlns:s=""> <wsa:ServiceName PortName="retrytesterServicePort"> s:retryTesterService</wsa:ServiceName> <wsa:Metadata> <wsp:Policy xmlns:wsp="" xmlns:abp=" 2005/12/policy"> <abp:retry interval="1" attempts="3"> faultExclusionList="{}*"/> </wsp:Policy> </wsa:Metadata> </wsa:EndpointReference>


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