Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Document Processing
  3. Operation Console
  4. Partners and Profiles
  5. On-Boarding Checklists
  6. Managed File Transfer Web Users
  7. Managed File Transfer Connections
  8. Endpoints
  9. Events
  10. Event Monitors
  11. Reconciliations
  12. Event Resubmission
  13. Audit and Authorization
  14. Advanced Exception Handling
  15. Dashboard and Reports
  16. Service Level Agreement Management
  17. Glossary

Advanced Exception Handling Overview

Advanced Exception Handling Overview

The Advanced Exception Handling option allows you to track exception events that arise in the course of normal B2B Data Exchange operations. You start by defining a monitor to trap an exception event and configure it to open an exception handling issue. Use the exception handling issue to interact with other parties in your organization to investigate and resolve the exception.
Advanced Exception Handling, an add-in that requires a separate license, provides complete functionality to support the process of issue resolution.
The following terms are important to understanding the functionality of the Advanced Exception Handling option:
  • Event.
    An event is created when a document is received by B2B Data Exchange. Document status information is updated throughout the processing of the document.
  • Exception event.
    An event that is defined in an event monitor. The monitor can be configured to create an exception handling issue when it traps an exception event.
  • Exception handling issue.
    An exception handling issue is created by the Advanced Exception Handling module when an event monitor traps an event exception. The issue is updated with status information as its resolution workflow progresses. When the user updates the status of the event issue to Completed, the system updates the status of the exception event to Completed.
  • Regular event exception.
    A regular event exception is a single B2B event that meets the conditions defined in an event monitor, for example, an error event for partner P.
  • NOT event exception.
    A NOT event exception is a condition that meets the NOT condition defined in an event monitor. An example of a NOT event exception is not receiving any input from partner P in the last 24 hours.
  • Batch event exception.
    A batch event exception represents the occurrence of one or more exception events over a period of time, for example, the receipt of one or more empty messages from Partner P over the course of a day.
  • Reconciliation event exception.
    A reconciliation event exception is a reconciliation event that meets the conditions defined in an event monitor.


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