B2B Data Exchange
- B2B Data Exchange 10.5.0
- All Products
| Description
Top 10 / Top 20
| Number of partners for which to display the number of error events or unresolved error events for the selected time frame.
All Errors
| Displays all events that reached an error state for the accounts during the selected time frame.
Unresolved Errors
Applies only to Dashboard (Deprecated). Displays current error events for the accounts. The events appear based on the time frame that you select in the unresolved error events filter.
Partner Name
| Names of the partners with the highest number of error events or unresolved error events for the selected time frame.
Appears on the Y-axis of the panel.
| Number of error events or unresolved error events for the partners during the selected time frame.
Appears on the X-axis of the panel.
Number of Events
| Total number of error events or unresolved error events for the partners during the selected time frame.
Export to CSV
| Saves the data in the panel as a CSV file.