You can display the details of exception handling issues for event monitors that you configured to create advanced exception handling issues.
To display details of an exception handling issue, go to the event details screen and click the issue link that is displayed together with the logging information.
To display an exception handling issue using the Monitor screen:
In the Navigator, click
Event Monitors
The Event Monitors page appears.
Select a monitor that contains advanced exception handling issues.
The Events for Monitor page appears.
Click the event ID of the event you want to display.
The Event Details page appears.
Scroll down to the Event Log section and click the
Issue <issue ID> was created by event monitor create issue on error
log entry.
The log entry displays the status, assignee, and description of the issue. You can also view the source message, the attached event, any logging documents, and other related information.
Do not clone the issue, change the type of the issue, change the project of the issue, or delete an issue. If you do, the issue and the related event will not synchronize correctly.