Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Document Processing
  3. Operation Console
  4. Partners and Profiles
  5. On-Boarding Checklists
  6. Managed File Transfer Web Users
  7. Managed File Transfer Connections
  8. Endpoints
  9. Events
  10. Event Monitors
  11. Reconciliations
  12. Event Resubmission
  13. Audit and Authorization
  14. Advanced Exception Handling
  15. Dashboard and Reports
  16. Service Level Agreement Management
  17. Glossary

On-boarding Checklist Charts

On-boarding Checklist Charts

The on-boarding checklist charting capability improves the visibility of the on-boarding process in the organization. This visibility is required for two purposes:
  • Operational purposes.
    To answer partner queries about on-boarding status and to identify those processes which require managerial attention.
  • Productivity improvements.
    Identify tasks that create bottlenecks and delay process completion.
The on-boarding charts include operational and analytical charts.
  • Operational charts.
    Open Checklists by Partner and Open Checklists by Type.
  • Analytical charts.
    Average Checklist/Task Duration and Top 10 Checklists/Tasks Duration.
To displays the charts, click the chart icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
The chart windows appear:
By default, the left window displays the Open Checklists by Type chart and the right window displays the Average Checklist Duration chart. You can view other charts by selecting from the chart list in each window. The two lists of charts are identical, allowing you to display different charts side-by-side.
The available charts are described below. Some charts require a parameter to open them.
Average Task Duration
This chart shows average elapsed time per task for all completed checklists of a certain checklist template. In this example, the template is EDI partners. The checklist enables you to identify the tasks that take the longest time to complete.
Average Checklist Duration
This chart shows the average time (in days), by checklist template, required to complete a checklist. This chart displays only completed checklists, not open ones.
Open Checklists by Type
This chart shows the number of open checklists by type (template). The green bar shows the number of open checklists before their due-dates. The red bar shows the number of overdue checklists.
Open Checklists by Partner
This chart shows the number of open checklists by partner. The green bar indicates the number of checklists before their due date. The red bar shows the number of overdue checklists.
Top 10 Checklist Duration in Days
This chart displays the ten completed checklists that took the longest time (in days) to complete. The names on the x-axis, in the example NY inc. and Goodlife Healthcare, are checklist names.
Top 10 Tasks in Days
This chart shows the ten tasks, from all completed checklists, that took the longest time to complete. The labels on the x-axis are the names of the tasks and their templates.
Click the chart icon to close the chart window.


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