Use the Target transformation to define the target connection and target object for the mapping. You can use one or more Target transformations in a mapping.
Based on the connection type, you can define advanced target options, specify to use a new or existing target object, or configure update columns for the target. The target options that appear also depend on the connection type that you select. For example, when you select a Salesforce connection, you can configure success and error log details.
You can use file, database, and
Data Integration
connections in the Target transformation.
The following properties are available for the Target transformation:
General. Defines the transformation name and a description.
Incoming Fields. Includes the field rules that define the data written to the target. Allows a preview of target fields.
Target. Defines the target connection, target object, and advanced options. Based on the connection type, you can create a new target, use an existing target, or configure update columns.
Target Fields. Lists the fields in the target objects. Optionally add or remove fields. You can also edit target field metadata.
Field Mapping. Defines the field mappings from the upstream transformation to the target. Field mapping is only applicable when using an existing target object.
Target example
You might work with a flat file target in a mapping that reads Salesforce user account data but excludes user preference data. A Source transformation reads data from the Account object and the related User object.
The Target transformation uses a flat file connection that writes to the following directory:
. The default All Fields rule includes all incoming fields. You create a Named Field rule to exclude the unnecessary user preferences fields.
When you select
Create New Target at Runtime
, you enter the following name for the target file: SF_UserAccount_%d%m%y.csv.
task creates a target file named SF_UserAccount_291116.csv in the
directory when the task runs on November 29, 2016. The target file includes all fields from the Salesforce Account and User objects except for the user preferences fields specified in the Named Fields rule.