Blurring creates an output value within a fixed or percent variance from the source data value. Configure blurring to return a random value that is close to the original value. You can blur numeric and date values.
Select a fixed or percent variance to blur a numeric source value. The low bound value is a variance below the source value. The high bound value is a variance above the source value. The low and high values must be greater than or equal to zero. When the Data Masking transformation returns masked data, the numeric data is within the range that you define.
You can mask a date as a variance of the source date by configuring blurring. Select a unit of the date to apply the variance to. You can select the year, month, day, hour, minute, or second. Enter the low and high bounds to define a variance above and below the unit in the source date. The Data Masking transformation applies the variance and returns a date that is within the variance.
For example, to restrict the masked date to a date within two years of the source date, select year as the unit. Enter two as the low and high bound. If a source date is February 2, 2006, the Data Masking transformation returns a date between February 2, 2004, and February 2, 2008.