You can choose from several different processing strategies to meet your needs, depending on the format of the source data and your desired output format.
The Hierarchy Processor transformation can operate in the following modes:
Hierarchical to relational. Converts one hierarchical input group to multiple output groups, which can include delimited flat files or relational files.
Relational to hierarchical. Converts up to five relational input groups to one hierarchical output group.
Hierarchical to hierarchical. Converts one or more hierarchical input groups to one hierarchical output group with a different schema.
Hierarchical to flattened. Converts one hierarchical input group to one flattened denormalized output group.
The default output format is relational.
The data that you pass to or from the Hierarchy Processor transformation requires a Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store V2 or an Amazon S3 V2 connection.
For more information about the Hierarchy Processor transformation, you can watch the following videos on YouTube: