To validate a Java transformation, you must compile the Java code snippets that you enter in the Java editor.
Data Integration
uses the Secure Agent to compile the Java code snippets. Compile the code and view compilation results on the
When you create a Java transformation, it contains a Java class that defines the base functionality for the transformation. When you compile the transformation, the Secure Agent adds the code that you enter in the Java editor to the template class for the transformation. This generates the full class code for the transformation.
The Secure Agent calls the JDK to compile the full class code. The JDK compiles the transformation and generates the byte code for the transformation.
In a mapplet, the Java transformation compiles based on the data types and APIs that you can run on the Data Integration Server. If the code contains data types or APIs that you can run only on an
advanced cluster
, such as the invokeJExpression API method, the code fails to compile.
Before you can compile the code, you must complete the following tasks:
If you use non-standard Java packages, configure the classpath.