allocates for each transformation cache at the start of a mapping run. You can configure a transformation to use auto cache mode or use a specific value.
Auto cache
By default, a transformation cache size is set to Auto.
Data Integration
automatically calculates the cache memory requirements at run time. You can also define the maximum amount of memory that
Data Integration
can allocate in the advanced session properties when you configure the task.
Data Integration
allocates more memory to transformations with higher processing times. For example, Data Integration allocates more memory to the Sorter transformation because the Sorter transformation typically takes longer to run.
In transformations that use a data and an index cache,
Data Integration
also allocates more memory to the data cache than to the index cache. It allocates all of the memory for the Sorter transformation to the sorter cache.
Specific cache size
You can configure a specific cache size for a transformation.
Data Integration
allocates the specified amount of memory to the transformation cache at the start of the mapping run. Configure a specific value in bytes when you tune the cache size.
You can use session logs to determine the optimal cache size. When you configure the cache size to use the value specified in the session log, you can ensure that no allocated memory is wasted. However, the optimal cache size varies based on the size of the source data. Review the mapping logs after subsequent mapping runs to monitor changes to the cache size.
To define specific cache sizes, enter the cache size values on the