Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Transformations
  3. Source transformation
  4. Target transformation
  5. Access Policy transformation
  6. Aggregator transformation
  7. B2B transformation
  8. Cleanse transformation
  9. Data Masking transformation
  10. Data Services transformation
  11. Deduplicate transformation
  12. Expression transformation
  13. Filter transformation
  14. Hierarchy Builder transformation
  15. Hierarchy Parser transformation
  16. Hierarchy Processor transformation
  17. Input transformation
  18. Java transformation
  19. Java transformation API reference
  20. Joiner transformation
  21. Labeler transformation
  22. Lookup transformation
  23. Machine Learning transformation
  24. Mapplet transformation
  25. Normalizer transformation
  26. Output transformation
  27. Parse transformation
  28. Python transformation
  29. Rank transformation
  30. Router transformation
  31. Rule Specification transformation
  32. Sequence transformation
  33. Sorter transformation
  34. SQL transformation
  35. Structure Parser transformation
  36. Transaction Control transformation
  37. Union transformation
  38. Velocity transformation
  39. Verifier transformation
  40. Web Services transformation



Source filtering and sorting

Source filtering and sorting

You can configure the Source transformation to filter or sort data before the data enters the data flow. Use the source query options to filter or sort source data.
Configure the query options on the
tab of the Source transformation. Expand the
Query Options
section, and configure the filter and sort conditions.
You can use the following source query options:
Filter source data to limit the amount of source data that enters the data flow. You can create the following types of filters:
  • Non-parameterized. Select the source field and configure the operator and value to use in the filter. When you configure more than one filter, the task applies the filter expressions in the listed order with an AND operator between the filters.
  • Completely parameterized. Use a parameter for a filter expression and define the filter expression in the task.
  • Advanced. Create complex expressions that use AND, OR, or nested conditions. The expression that you enter becomes the WHERE clause in the query used to retrieve records from the source. You can use source fields, input and in-out parameters, or system variables in the expression.
    For example, you can use an input parameter for one of the fields, and select it when the task runs. You can reuse the same parameter in an Expression transformation to create a field expression and also in the Target transformation. Or, you can you an in-out parameter in the expression to retrieve rows that have been updated since the last run.
    For more information about system variables, see
    Function Reference
    . For more information about parameters, see
    You can convert simple non-parameterized data filters to an advanced data filter, but you cannot convert an advanced data filter to simple data filters.
You can sort source data to provide sorted data to the mapping. For example, you can improve task performance when you provide sorted data to an Aggregator transformation that uses sorted data.
When you sort data, you select one or more source fields. When you select more than one source field, the task sorts the fields in the listed order.
Data in each field is sorted in ascending order. If you want to sort in descending order, you can use the Sorter transformation.
You can use parameters for the sort fields and define the sort fields in the task.


We’d like to hear from you!
Sam Greene - August 17, 2022

I would appreciate more documentation on the advanced filter option.  My use case is checking a destination table for the max date and then querying a source table to find data newer than my max date.  What syntax is valid in the advanced editor, could I used a unconnected lookup and reference the value.  The advanced editor doesn't have the same reference functionality as the expression builder, so it is difficult to tell what is possible. 

Informatica Documentation Team - August 17, 2022

​​​​​​​Hi Sam Greene. There is some additional information about advanced filters in the topic Data Filters in Tasks. We’re working to address the comments you entered about your use case and about adding additional information to this section of the documentation and will get back to you. Thanks, Informatica Documentation team

Informatica Documentation Team - August 20, 2022

Hi again Sam Greene. We've checked with our QA team and they recommend that you use an in-out parameter to store the max date for data that has been loaded to the target during each mapping run. In-out parameters can be used in a Filter transformation or in the source filter to ensure that you are only reading rows that were not processed during the previous mapping run. You can find more information about in-out parameters in the "In-out parameters" topic in Mappings. Using an unconnected lookup is probably not the best approach in this case since your source data is not static.

If you need further help with your specific use case, please reach out to Informatica Global Customer Support.

We will file a documentation enhancement request to add more information about valid syntax in the advanced filter editor.

Thanks, Informatica Documentation team