Use a dynamic service name with the Data Services transformation to process messages for message types from different standards and usage types. When you use a dynamic service name, you pass the data service names to the transformation as parameters.
The name of a data service indicates the industry standard, the version of the standard, the message type, and the service usage type, in the following syntax:
Parser. Use a parser service to receive messages from your partners.
Serializer. Use a serializer service to send messages to your partners.
Restricted serializer. Use a restricted serializer service to send messages to your partners, including validation messages. Applies to HIPAA messages.
For example, the name of the service you use to receive HIPAA message 270 version 5010A1 is HIPAA_5010A1_270_Parser.
To use a dynamic service name, complete the following tasks when you configure the mapping:
Configure the mapping to pass the data service names to the Data Services transformation as parameters. For example, add an Expression transformation to the mapping and configure the Expression transformation to extract the data service names from the messages and pass the names to the Data Services transformation.
When you configure Data Services properties, select the option to use a dynamic service name.
In the field mapping of the Data Services transformation, map the incoming field that contains the service name to the service_Name field.
Using the Message Discovery Service
When you use a dynamic service name, you can optionally enable the Message Discovery Service. It detects the name of a parser data service from the upstream transformation and invokes the parser data service from the data services repository.
To use the Message Discovery Service, complete the following tasks when you configure the mapping:
Add an Expression transformation to the mapping that receives incoming messages.
In the Expression transformation, create an expression field to pass an empty string to the Data Services transformation.
In the Data Services transformation, select the option to use a dynamic service name. Then, enable the Message Discovery Service and select the mode and type.
In the field mapping of the Data Services transformation, map the incoming expression field with the empty string to the service_Name field.
The Message Discovery Service only detects the names of parser data services. It doesn't detect the names of serializers or restricted serializers.