Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Transformations
  3. Source transformation
  4. Target transformation
  5. Access Policy transformation
  6. Aggregator transformation
  7. B2B transformation
  8. Cleanse transformation
  9. Data Masking transformation
  10. Data Services transformation
  11. Deduplicate transformation
  12. Expression transformation
  13. Filter transformation
  14. Hierarchy Builder transformation
  15. Hierarchy Parser transformation
  16. Hierarchy Processor transformation
  17. Input transformation
  18. Java transformation
  19. Java transformation API reference
  20. Joiner transformation
  21. Labeler transformation
  22. Lookup transformation
  23. Machine Learning transformation
  24. Mapplet transformation
  25. Normalizer transformation
  26. Output transformation
  27. Parse transformation
  28. Python transformation
  29. Rank transformation
  30. Router transformation
  31. Rule Specification transformation
  32. Sequence transformation
  33. Sorter transformation
  34. SQL transformation
  35. Structure Parser transformation
  36. Transaction Control transformation
  37. Union transformation
  38. Velocity transformation
  39. Verifier transformation
  40. Web Services transformation



Database target properties

Database target properties

You configure database target properties on the
tab of the Properties panel.
The following table describes the database target properties:
Name of the target connection.
Alternatively, you can define a parameter, and then specify the connection in the mapping task.
Target Type
Target type, either single object or parameter.
Name of the target object.
If you select a single object, you can also preview the data.
Target operation, either insert, update, upsert, delete, or data driven.
Truncate Target
Truncates the target object before inserting new rows.
Applies to insert and data driven operations.
Enable Target Bulk Load
Uses the database bulk API to perform an insert operation.
Use the bulk API to write large amounts of data to the database with a minimal number of API calls. Loading in bulk mode can improve performance, but it limits the ability to recover because no database logging occurs.
Applies to insert operations.
Update Columns
The fields to use as temporary primary key columns when you update, upsert, or delete target data. When you select more than one update column, the
task uses the AND operator with the update columns to identify matching rows.
Applies to update, upsert, delete and data driven operations.
Data Driven Condition
Enables you to define expressions that flag rows for an insert, update, delete, or reject operation.
For example, the following IIF statement flags a row for reject if the ID field is null. Otherwise, it flags the row for update:
Applies to the data driven operation.
Forward Rejected Rows
Causes the
task to forward rejected rows to the reject file.
If you do not forward rejected rows, the
task drops rejected rows and writes them to the session log.
If you enable row error handling, the
task writes the rejected rows and the dropped rows to the row error logs. It does not generate a reject file. If you want to write the dropped rows to the session log in addition to the row error logs, you can enable verbose data tracing.
SQL command to run against the target before reading data from the source.
You can enter a command of up to 5000 characters.
Post SQL
SQL command to run against the target after writing data to the target.
You can enter a command of up to 5000 characters.
Update Override
Overrides the default UPDATE statement for the target.
Enter the update statement. Alternatively, click
to generate the default UPDATE statement, and then modify the default statement.
The UPDATE statement that you enter overrides the default UPDATE statement that
Data Integration
uses to update targets based on key columns. You can define an override UPDATE statement to update target tables based on non-key columns.
Reject File Directory
Directory path to write the reject file. By default, the
task writes all reject files to the following service process variable directory:
$PMBadFileDir/<federated task ID>
If you specify both the directory and file name in the
Reject File Name
field, clear this field. The
task concatenates this field with the
Reject File Name
field when it runs the task.
Reject File Name
File name, or file name and path of the reject file. By default, the
task names the reject file after the target object name: <target name>.bad.
task concatenates this field with the
Reject File Directory
field when it runs the task. For example, if you have
in the
Reject File Directory
field, and enter
in the
Reject File Name
field, the
task writes rejected rows to
For more information about database target properties, see the help for the appropriate connector.


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