Static Lookup Cache
| Dynamic Lookup Cache
The cache does not change during the task run.
| The task inserts or updates rows in the cache as it passes rows to the target.
You can use a flat file, relational database, and other connection types such as Salesforce for lookup.
| You cannot use a flat file or Salesforce connection type.
When the lookup condition is true, the task returns a value from the lookup table or cache.
When the condition is not true, the task returns the default value.
| When the lookup condition is true, the task either updates the row in the cache and target or leaves the cache unchanged. This indicates that the row is in the cache and target table.
When the lookup condition is not true, the task either inserts the row in the cache and target or leaves the cache unchanged based on the row type. This indicates that the row is not in the cache or target table.