Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Transformations
  3. Source transformation
  4. Target transformation
  5. Access Policy transformation
  6. Aggregator transformation
  7. B2B transformation
  8. Cleanse transformation
  9. Data Masking transformation
  10. Data Services transformation
  11. Deduplicate transformation
  12. Expression transformation
  13. Filter transformation
  14. Hierarchy Builder transformation
  15. Hierarchy Parser transformation
  16. Hierarchy Processor transformation
  17. Input transformation
  18. Java transformation
  19. Java transformation API reference
  20. Joiner transformation
  21. Labeler transformation
  22. Lookup transformation
  23. Machine Learning transformation
  24. Mapplet transformation
  25. Normalizer transformation
  26. Output transformation
  27. Parse transformation
  28. Python transformation
  29. Rank transformation
  30. Router transformation
  31. Rule Specification transformation
  32. Sequence transformation
  33. Sorter transformation
  34. SQL transformation
  35. Structure Parser transformation
  36. Transaction Control transformation
  37. Union transformation
  38. Velocity transformation
  39. Verifier transformation
  40. Web Services transformation



Rank transformation

Rank transformation

The Rank transformation selects the top or bottom range of data. Use the Rank transformation to return the largest or smallest numeric values in a group. You can also use the Rank transformation to return strings at the top or bottom of the mapping sort order.
For example, you can use a Rank transformation to select the top 10 customers by region. Or, you might identify the three departments with the lowest expenses in salaries and overhead.
The Rank transformation differs from the transformation functions MAX and MIN because the Rank transformation returns a group of values, not just one value. While the SQL language provides many functions designed to handle groups of data, identifying top or bottom strata within a set of rows is not possible using standard SQL functions.
The Rank transformation is an active transformation because it can change the number of rows that pass through it. For example, you configure the transformation to select the top 10 rows from a source that contains 100 rows. In this case, 100 rows pass into the transformation but only 10 rows pass from the Rank transformation to the downstream transformation or target.
When you run a mapping that contains a Rank transformation,
Data Integration
caches input data until it can perform the rank calculations.


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